Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Message Is Love

They see the truth and yet they choose lies.
They see the light and yet they choose darkness.
They hold each other and yet they are alone
They find the tree of life but yet they die
The drawback is that once you find it, then you lose it
For matter is in the heavens, cradled upon windswept acts of kindness
The hands matter because they can carry the child
Make yours carry beyond the celebratory palette of the living

Run in the direction of self awareness
Can quiet be heard upon the winds of eight?
Music made me remember peace
They seek opportunity and get nothing
They confine love in their heart when they should dispense it among their fellow man
Dead on the mark; the target slowed the bullet
East - the path faced them right in front of their face
Loudly I cried in their ears a melody so peaceful a baby could sleep through it
Echoing the message so you can hear
The message is LOVE

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