Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Smile When I See A Rainbow
I saw three rainbows several weeks ago. One was a double rainbow! And all this was at a time when I really needed to see a rainbow. I hadn't seen a rainbow in a long time-- like years. A part of me wanted to go run out and find the end of the rainbow so I can get that pot of gold! I always feel such peace when I see a rainbow and I know it's a promise from God that everything will be OK.
A little story: When I was much younger and hadn't been married too long back then, I was very troubled about something but I never told anyone. I had a little toddler and I was so worried that my husband was going to be sent to Iraq. Matter of fact, it was just about certain. One day after work, walking to my car in the parking lot, I saw the brightest rainbow in the sky. I felt such peace when I saw that rainbow and it was like a voice saying, "Everything will be alright." That next day, President Bush (the first one) announced that he was ending the Gulf War.
So that's why I smile when I see a rainbow.

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