Sunday, March 30, 2014


Check out this dream
from the other day
In the middle of a wheat field
sitting in a sleigh

Exotic birds lifted it
straight into the air
All I could think of
was to say the Lord's Prayer

A penguin who was there
said, “How much you got?
Cause a ride like this
almost can’t be bought!”

But when the parrot said,
"The wages of sin is death!"
I screamed and jumped out
holding my breath

Right away I realized
I shouldn't have done that
Because when I land,
there’ll be an awful splat

But to my surprise
as I got closer to the ground
a crack opened up
and I continued to fall down

Pass rocks and magma,
I could feel the heat
I had on some lovely shoes
that were melting on my feet!

But like most falling dreams,
I woke up before I hit bottom
I was entangled in my blanket
and the room was cool as Autumn

I laughed at this little dream
and its omens of doom
The only thing I can't explain
are the feathers in my room

© 2010 by Mari

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