Sunday, June 20, 2010

An Un-Happy Father's Day

Somebody on FB mentioned that Murray was one of the worst fathers of the year. He can't even pay his child support.

But guess what? His children have a father. They get to call him up today, if they did, if they even cared, and wish him a Happy Father's Day. Is that fair? Hell no!

So one of the worst fathers of the year killed one of the best fathers!

Today I am so sad for the kids. Paris, Prince, Blanket, I am so sad that you don't have ur daddy with u today.

He was one of the best fathers and he loved them with all his heart. All he did, he did for them. He did the best he could do. He was their father and their mother. He loved them, he provided for them, he put away songs in the vault for them, he protected them, he thought the world of them. Like the song said, they were his life. And all he wanted to do was to have them see him perform. Not perform on YouTube or in Captain EO or on the Live in Bucharest DVD. Not on the kitchen table (ha, that kinda made me smile thru my sadness. Can u imagine MJ dancing on the kitchen table, lol, kinda like he did on YRMW on the bar; knocking over bowls and the lettace and the silverware), not dancing in the yard or in the living room... but he wanted for them to see him perform LIVE.

I am so sad I can't wish Michael a Happy Father's Day. To me it's an adjective that doesn't apply.

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