Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Feather Dreams

One day in the park
I looked up and saw a feather
floating, meandering to earth.

I thought to myself
I will catch this feather, it will be mine.

Just when I nearly had it in my grasp,
a strong gust of wind from the north
blew it out of my reach.

I thought to myself
I will catch this feather, it will be mine.

I outran the wind.

Just when I almost had it in my grasp,
a park bench sprung up in front of me
and blocked my path.

I thought to myself
I will catch this feather, it will be mine

I hurdled the bench.

Just when I had it in my grasp,
a faceless branch tripped me and I fell.

Opening my scarred fist,

I thought to myself
I caught this feather, it is mine.

©2000 Mari

Monday, March 09, 2015

The Truth, the Way, the Light = LOVE

The truth, the way and the light all run along the same path.
Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, there is evil and darkness.
And the only way it can be conquered is with love.

Friday, February 06, 2015

I believe

I believe God put different races, nationalities, cultures, etc on this earth to enrich it and for us to learn from and to appreciate one other. It is man who has turned the pureness of something enlightening into an evil conquest of superiority in which to commit genocide and to enslave people. What's probably sickening to God is that over the centuries, they did a lot of this in His name.